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Rizwana Yasmeen(瑞兹)

信息来源: 作者: 更新日期:2022-05-04 12:44:10

Teacher Profile

Rizwana Yasmeen(瑞兹)

Administrative duties


Teaching and research Office

Department of International Economics and Trade

Political status



PhD of Economics

Academic position


Research Area

Environment Economics

Supervision type




一、Teacher profile

(一)Education background

2016.9-2019.12   Southwestern university of finance and economics, China, PhD

2011.1-2015.7Federal Urdu University of Arts Science & Technology, Islamabad Pakistan, Master of philosophy (M.Phil.)

2003.9-2005.5GC University Faisalabad, Pakistan, Master

(二)career experience

2021 - To date  School of Economics and Management, Panzhihua University

Foreign Teacher (Assistant professor)

2020.09-2021.02 Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan,  Assistant Professor

2015.02-2015.6   FUUST, Islamabad, Pakistan, Visiting lecturer

2005.12–2006.6 National Urban poverty Alleviation program, UNDP, Pakistan,    


(三)Receive honor

· CSC scholarship of Government of China for PhD 2015.

· Prize of the outstanding performance for academic students in 2016-2017 academic year by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.

· Research Reward by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

二、Scientific research

(二)Published Articles/Papers

Papers (24 papers published, 19 SCI& SSCI papers)

1. Yasmeen, R., Zhaohui, C., Shah, W. U. H., Kamal, M. A., & Khan, A. (2022). Exploring the role of biomass energy consumption, ecological footprint through FDI and technological innovation in B&R economies: a simultaneous equation approach. Energy, (SCI)

2. Yasmeen, R., Tao, R., Jie, W., Padda, I. U. H., & Shah, W. U. H. (2022). The repercussions of business cycles on renewable & non-renewable energy consumption structure: Evidence from OECD countries. Renewable Energy.(SCI).

3. Shah, W. U. H., Hao, G., Yasmeen, R., Kamal, M. A., Khan, A., & Padda, I. U. H. (2022). Unraveling the role of China’s OFDI, institutional difference and B&R policy on energy efficiency: a meta-frontier super-SBM approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (SCI), (Correspondence Author).

4. Yasmeen, R., Tao, R., Shah, W. U. H., Padda, I. U. H., & Tang, C. (2022). The nexuses between carbon emissions, agriculture production efficiency, research and development, and government effectiveness: evidence from major agriculture-producing countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (SCI).

5. Yasmeen, R., Yao, X., Padda, I. U. H., Shah, W. U. H., & Jie, W. (2022). Exploring the role of solar energy and foreign direct investment for clean environment: Evidence from top 10 solar energy consuming countries. Renewable Energy, (SCI) .

6. Wasi Ul Hassan Shah Gang Hao, Nan Zhu, Yasmeen. R., Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda, Muhammad Abdul Kama (2022) A cross-country efficiency and productivity evaluation of commercial banks in South Asia: A meta-frontier and Malmquist productivity index approach. Plos One (SCI).

7. Yasmeen, R. Padda, I.U.H.,Yao, X., Shah, W.U.H.,Hafeez,M.A. (2021). Agriculture, forestry, and environmental sustainability: the role of institutions. Environment, Development and Sustainability (SCI)

8. Yao, X., Yasmeen, R. Padda, I.U.H.,Shah, W.U.H.,Kamal, M.A. (2020). Inequalities by energy sources: An assessment of environmental quality. Plos One (SCI)  

9. Yao, X., Yasmeen, R., Hussain, J.,Shah, W.U.H. (2021). The repercussions of financial development and corruption on energy efficiency and ecological footprint: Evidence from BRICS and next 11 countries. Energy, (SCI) (Correspondence Author).

10. Yao,X. Yongzhong Zhang,  Yasmeen, R. Zhen Cai. (2021).The impact of preferential trade agreements on bilateral trade: A structural gravity model analysis.

11. Zhu, N. Shah, W.H.  Kamal. Yasmeen. R. Efficiency and productivity analysis of Pakistan's banking industry: A DEA approach. Int J Fin Econ. (SSCI)

12. Yao, X. Shah, W.H., Yasmeen. R.,   Yongzhong Zhang, Kamal, Anwar Khan (2020). The impact of trade on energy efficiency in the global value chain: A Simultaneous Equation Approach. Science of the Total Environment.(SCI) (Correspondence Author).

13. Yang,L. Hui,P.. Yasmeen, R.  Ullah,S. Hafeez,M. (2020). Energy consumption and Financial Development indicators Nexuses in Asian Economics: A Dynamics Seemingly Unrelated Regression approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (SCI

14. Khan, T.M., Gang, B., Fareed, Z., Yasmeen. (2020). The Impact of CEO-Tenure on Corporate Social and Environmental Performance: An Emerging Country's Analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, (SCI).

15. Yasmeen, R. Li, Y. & Hafeez, M.(2019). Tracing the trade–pollution nexus in global value chains: evidence from air pollution indicators. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, (SCI).

16. Yao, X., Yasmeen, R. Li, Y.,  Hafeez, M. & Padda, I.U.H. (2019). Free Trade Agreements and Environment for Sustainable Development: A Gravity Model Analysis.sustainability, (SSCI) (Correspondence Author).

17. Shah, W.U.H, Yasmeen, R. & Padda, I.U.H.(2019). An analysis between financial development, institutions, and the environment: a global view. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (SCI).

18. Yasmeen, R., &Padda, I.U.H. (2019).Terms of Trade and Economic Growth in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis. University of Wah Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 21-41.

19. Yasmeen, R. Li, Y. Hafeez, M. & Ahmad, H. (2018). The trade-environment nexus in light of governance: a global potential. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (SCI)

20. Javed, I., Mustafa, G., Ashfaq, M., Yasmeen, R., Ghafoor, A., Yasin, M. ... & Imran, M. A. (2018). Competitiveness in agricultural trade of Pakistan with United Arab Emirates. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 55(3). (SCI).

21. Yasmeen, R., HAFEEZ, M.&Padda, I.U.H. (2018). Trade Balance and Terms of Trade Relationship: Evidence from Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, 28(2), 173-188.  (Higher Education Comission (HEC) of Pakistan recognized journal =X category)

22. Javed, I., Mustafa, G., Yasmeen, R., & Javaid, H. (2018). Determinants of Economic Growth: An Evidence from Pakistan. Science, Technology and Development, 37(2), 101-107. (Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan recognized journal =Z category)

23. Usman, S., Yasmeen, R., Javed, I. &Rehman, A.U.  (2017). Shocks to Monetary Policy and Response of Commodity Prices in Pakistan: Structural Vector Autoregressive Approach. Science, Technology and Development, 36(4), 239-248.  (Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan recognized journal =Z category).

24. Yasmeen, R. Tufail, S. (2015). Impact of Internet Technology on Economic Growth in South Asia with Special Reference to Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), 35(2), 777-784. (Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan recognized journal =Y category)

Research Project

基于新文科建设背景下国际经济与贸易专业核心课程双语教学模式探索与实践,攀学院教〔202250 号(JJ2243在研,主研。


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